1053 East Whitaker Mill Road, Suite 105919-828-7557[email protected]11-6pm Tuesday - Friday, Monday & Saturday by appointment

Gallery Closing

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It is unfortunate to announce that Lee Hansley Gallery will be closing indefinitely by the end of March 2019 due to the death of Lee Hansley.
We hope that it has been a pleasure to visit the gallery and enjoy all of it’s beautiful artwork. It’s been a great 25+ years of business.

It is very important to us that we get all of the artwork in the gallery back to it’s rightful owner so please read instructions below.

Please EMAIL versus calling. We are already receiving many calls and it will be easier to keep track of everything if it is all in one place. If you need artwork returned to you please do the following:

1. Email [email protected]
2. Use subject line – RETURN OF ARTWORK 
3. Include your name, address, and phone number
4. List the artworks that need to be returned
5. Attach any loan agreements forms if you have it
6. Attach any pictures of the artwork if you have it
7. Mention if you can pickup or if you need artwork delivered to you
8. If you are picking up artwork, please include a date and time-frame you will be coming

ANOTHER OPTION in regards to your artwork-
We will having an auction of works owned by Lee at some point here in the gallery. If you would like for your piece to be sold in this auction please just send an email indicating you’d be interested in this route and leave your contact info. We will contact you when we know more details about the auction.

Please forward this notice to anyone you believe may own artwork at the gallery. 

All other inquiries please email [email protected] or call Kaitlin at the gallery during open hours (Tues-Sat  11am-6pm)  919-828-7557

Thank you for all supporting this business and your patience is appreciated as we move forward in the next two months.

For inquiries please contact Lee Hansley Gallery at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone: 919.828.7557
1053 E. Whitaker Mill Rd. Raleigh N.C. 27604
