1053 East Whitaker Mill Road, Suite 105919-828-7557[email protected]11-6pm Tuesday - Friday, Monday & Saturday by appointment

Three Paths in Fiber Reception

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Three Paths in Fiber Reception

The opening reception for “Three Paths in Fiber ” exhibition was well attended. Russian pianist, Yaro Borisov of Fayetteville, provided music composed for the occasion at the grand piano. Barbara Oliver Hartman from the Dallas, Texas area, and Ann Harwell of Wendell, discussed their techniques with admirers. The three-person exhibition also includes the intricate works of Hollis Chatelain of Hillsborough. The common denominators in this exhibition are the unique use of fiber and the sewing machine. While all three artists are classified generally as quilt makers, they are in reality makers of tapestries. The exhibition will remain on view thru October 13th.
